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Salem Conjure Co.

Blue Balls

Blue Balls

Regular price $4.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.50 USD
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Blue Balls are actually blue anil, a product of the indigo shrub, and commonly used as a laundry agent to make clothes whiter. Within folk magical practices they have found use as a less toxic alternative to the “bluestone” (copper sulfate) called for in a variety of conjure formulas, utilized not so much for its mineralogical properties as for its lovely vivid blue color.

Blue Balls are added to conjure bags for attracting good luck, gaining power over the object of your affection, and most commonly, for protection.

They may also be dissolved into a bowl of water which has been augmented with a splash of Florida Water for cleansing and protection. For the same purpose they are added to the wash bucket and used to scrub the floors or front steps of a business or dwelling.

With your purchase you will receive a package of 7 blue balls.

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