Astragalomancy: Divination with Dice

Astragalomancy: Divination with Dice

Astragalomancy, which is a form of Cleromancy, is divination by use of dice. It's name is derived from the word astragalus which references the rectangular shaped ankle bones of certain mammals such as goat, sheep, and deer which were used as a form of dice in early gaming and divination. Astragalomancy is an ancient form of divination and is still used by many diviners when seeking insights into the unknown.

One of the more common forms of Dice Divination I have employed is accomplished by using three dice. In this form of divination you will either draw out a circle (roughly eight inches or so) on a piece of paper or on the ground. Or you may wish to have a mat or cloth with the circle pre-drawn on it.

The question is posed and the dice are cast.

To determine the meaning of the reading you will first examine if any dice
have fallen outside of the circle.

1 dice outside - Difficulties lie ahead

2 dice outside - Arguments and Quarrels are likely

3 dice outside - A sign of luck and success (no reading needed)

The dice that land within the circle are totaled up and their sum indicates the

0,1,2 - No answer available. Ask another day

3 - A change in circumstances will happen soon

4 - Unpleasantness, arguments, misunderstanding

5 - Unexpected surprise or information, your plans and wishes will be fulfilled

6 - Loss of some kind, most likely financial, possibly material, or a relationship

7 - Potential hardships, gossip, finances, etc. They will eventually be resolved

8 - You should not act to hastily, lack of discretion may lead to misfortune

9 - A possible union in love or in business, success in romance and/or gambling

10 - New beginnings, possibly a birth, or a new job/promotion

11 - Potential loss of a person, death, short term illness; or the return of a person
who was estranged from you

12 - Important communication will arrive soon, seek counsel if it is a legal matter,
potential for a large sum of money

13 - Continuation on your current path will lead to misery and difficulty

14 - A friend or relative will offer their assistance, possibly an new romance

15 - Proceed with caution, avoid starting new projects for the next week, do not be drawn into gossip

16 - A short trip will provide relief, entertainment, and potentially profit

17 - Change of perspective, adjustment to plans may be needed, be receptive to the council of others, even those whom you don’t know

18 - Luck, Success, Blessings, Attainment and Fulfillment
Some additional items to note

*If two dice fall one on top of the other while throwing the dice it means that you
will receive a gift. Re-throw the dice for your reading.

*If you are throwing the dice on a tabletop and a one falls on the floor, you may lose
a friend

*It is said by some that the dice shouldn’t be thrown on a Monday or Wednesday, nor should they be thrown more than three times for the same person in one day.

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