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Spiritus Arcanum

Blood Moon Oil

Blood Moon Oil

Regular price $69.00 CAD
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Blood Moon is a limited edition oil which is only made during total lunar eclipses and is returning for the first time in almost three years.

The mother bottle for Blood Moon was born on the Lunar Eclipse of May 2022. Since then it has been added to, built up, and received several consecrations the last of which was during the height of the November 2022 total Lunar Eclipse when the first batch of this oil was released. That initial run of the oil was decanted and sold very quickly. However we maintained the mother bottle and a portion of the original batch so that the oil could be resurrected again during the totality of the March 2023 total Lunar Eclipse.

This oil has now been thricely hallowed by the rays of the Blood Moon and is crafted in concert with a spirit whom I work with and know as the queen of poisons, the mother of wolves, she of the gnashing teeth, of first spilt blood, and the talon of owl. Hers is the winding serpentine garrote, the venom of vipers, the cacophonous cry of the Strix, and the howling of lupinus beasts.

She is also the Noctifer, the mistress of shadows, and of all which lies hidden from the eyes of day dwellers. Lunar eclipses being one of the times in which this aspect of hers is particularly pronounced.

Blood Moon is an oil of obfuscation, invisibility, and of midnight’s cloak. It may be employed when one wishes for things to be hidden from prying eyes, threatening gazes, and malicious machinations. It may be employed when we desire invisibility and to cloak our works that they may not easily be uncovered.

Blood Moon stands as a witching oil of the nocturnal eye, unveiling to those who employ it, that which is hidden and occult. Offering revelation through enhanced and augmented perception.

It is an oil of the spilt blood. Of justified retribution and of dragging tyrants, abusers, and deceivers to the ground, revealing their actions, and poisoning their wells.

Lastly it is an oil of turning fortune and twisting favor. Of robbing from the stockpiles of the gluttonous and giving to those striving to be fed. An oil of vampiric potentiality which provides its most supple fruits to those who do not simply desire, but who hunger.

The earthly body of this oil has been crafted of precious essential oils as well as botanical, animal, and mineral materia including but not linvited to: myrrh, anise, calamus, cypress, nagarmotha, opopanax, juniper, helichrysum, and birch tar. The mother bottle houses a heart of belladonna root, obsidian, bloodstone, garnet the bones of serpents, the teeth of wolves, and the feathers of nocturnal birds.

Each decanted bottle is 15ml and will include a serpent bone and garnet.

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