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Spiritus Arcanum

Foundations of Herbcraft

Foundations of Herbcraft

Regular price $506.00 CAD
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Foundations of Herbcraft: A Thirteen Part Course in Magical Herbalism

Foundations of Herbcraft is designed to equip the student with a well-rounded store of knowledge in both the Theory and Practice of magical herbalism. Our course approaches plant magic from an animist and folk magical approach.

By the conclusion of this course the student should have a firm grounding in:

-The history, folklore, and traditional applications of plants
-The spiritual and metaphysical theory behind magical herbalism
-Planetary associations and planetary magic with plants
-Traditional charms and customs for the gathering of herbs
-Methods for the harvesting and preserving of plants
-The crafting and use of incenses, oils, unguents, powders, and herbal talismans
-Conjuring forth and partnering with the spirits of plants
-The virtues and nature of plants and how to best choose herbal allies for magical workings

Class Topics 

1. Entreaty to Greenwood: Theory and practice of magical herbalism, tools of the trade, approaches towards herb charming

2. As Above, So Below: The wandering stars, the virtues of the planets and of plants, the doctrine of signatures, and identifying planetary characteristics of plants.

3. Conjuring the Green: Working with plant spirits, conjuration and herbalism, botanical necromancy, and plant spirit familiars

4. A Path of Fortune, A Pot of Gold: Plants and preparations for money drawing, prosperity, road opening, and luck

5. The Anointed and Verdant: The crafting and use of Magical Oils and Unguents

6. A Bramble of Thorns: Plants and preparations for protection and prevention

7. A Feast of Spirits: The crafting and use of Incenses and Powders

8. The Orchard of Venus: Plants and preparations for love, sex, and seduction

9. An Aqueous Offering: The crafting and use of Perfumes, Potions, and Tinctures

10. Procul este Profani: Plants and preparations for spiritual cleansing, curse breaking, and exorcism

11. Amuleto: The crafting of herbal amulets, talismans, and charms

12. The Garden of Thanatos: Plants and preparations for ancestral reverence and necromancy

13. The Witch’s Garden: Plants of sorcery, cursing, and the poison path.

How will I access classes?

Classes will be livestreamed via Zoom at 7pm Eastern on the 3rd Sunday of each month beginning on May 19th

These classes will also be recorded and available to all students until the end of the course. So if you are unable to attend the live classes no worries there.

What do I get as a student in the course?

-26+ hours of video instruction.
-All course students have the option to be added to a private Facebook group in order to foster community, share experiences, and have access to further course documents and information.
-Class sessions will include downloadable slideshows with detailed information on the plants and techniques discussed in the course.
-Students enrolled in the course will save $130 over the cost of individual classes
-Students receive a 15% off discount on all purchases from Spiritus Arcanum while enrolled
-Course students will be eligible to graduate the course and receive a certificate of completion.

Class Dates
All classes are currently planned to take place the 3rd Sunday of each month. All classes will be available as a recording for those who cannot make the live class or who wish to view it again. These dates are tentative and subject to change as needed.

Payment Options
Payment plans are available through ShopPay at checkout for those students who have access to it.

Class Agreement and Returns
All students who wish to have access to the video recordings, PDF files, and Facebook forum associated with this course will be required to sign and return a nondisclosure agreement regarding the content and materials of the course. Failure to do so will still allow for access to live classes and the apothecary kit, but restrict access to the other elements of this course until signed and returned. Due to the nature of the course there will be no refunds available to students after 05/18/24.

Please not that this is NOT a medicinal herbalism class. Our intention is to focus upon and instruct students in the magical and folkloric use of plants, and though occasional mention of folk cures and remedies may be made in context of the course, it is not our intention to examine herbalism as physick, nor to provide any kind of medical advice to students.

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