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Spiritus Arcanum

Black Pullet Seal No. 5 Medallion and Patch

Black Pullet Seal No. 5 Medallion and Patch

Regular price $32.00 USD
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This metal medallion and patch set features the Fifth Seal from The Black Pullet. This seal, according to the grimoire, should be embroidered in gold on green satin. When it is carried it is said to "enable the bearer to discover all the treasures that exist, and to ensure the possession of them." Our set offers the seal in medallion form, on a 22" chain, and also includes a printed satin patch which may be carried, stitched onto clothing, or incorporated into a charm bag or other manner of spell working.

The Black Pullet is a 19th century French grimoire whose unknown authorship and dubious provenance have not prevented it from taking its place in the canon of popular occult works, where its ornate seals have entered the lexicon of folk magic. It details the fantastical story of a French legionnaire, rescued from death in the deserts of Egypt and tutored in the occult arts by a mysterious sage. In the depths of the sage's pyramid, the soldier is given a series of magical rings and occult seals embroidered in silk thread on colored satin, which accomplish a variety of wonders. 

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