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Spiritus Arcanum

Sixth of Mars Conjure Bag

Sixth of Mars Conjure Bag

Regular price $27.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $27.00 USD
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A Fundraiser for the Transgender Law Center and National Immigrant Justice Center 

These conjure bags are amulets of heavy protection and defense. Crafted in the day and hour of Mars and calling upon the virtues of martial botanicals and minerals. 

The patron pentacle of this work is the Sixth Pentacle of Mars which it is said “hath so great virtue that being armed therewith, if thou art attacked by any one, thou shalt neither be injured nor wounded when thou fightest with him, and his own weapons shall turn against him.”

These amulets are a defense against attack and oppressive forces, that those who work against the bearer will see their own words, weapons, and machinations become their own undoing. 

The fabric of the conjure bags is emblazoned with this pentacle and has been infused with a wash of Martial herbs. The conjure bags have been made in allyship with Stinging Nettle, Blessed Thistle, Red Pepper, Hematite, and Garnet. They were blessed and suffumigated in the smoke of Dragon’s Blood whilst martial hymns and conjurations were spoken.

These amulets should be prayed over and spoken to by those who receive them. They should be carried on the person in the left side of the body. They may be ‘fed’ with protective oils, protective incense or tobacco smoke, or whisky as needed to keep them fortified.  

50% of profits from each sale will go to the Transgender Law Center and National Immigrant Justice Center


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